1  R and RStudio installation

In this workshop we will be using Posit Cloud, a cloud service that allows the use of R and RStudio in the browser. This will make sure that we are all using the same version of R and RStudio during the workshop, as well as facilitate sharing the code that will be used.

Please create a free account prior to the workshop.

You can and should install R and RStudio in your own computer, there are instructions below on how to do it.

1.1 Install R

You can download R from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).

1.2 Install RStudio

RStudio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), created by Posit | The Open-Source Data Science Company, that offer a rich set of features that facilitates writing R code, using Notebooks and convert them to various formats, debugging code, and writing packages, among other things.

RStudio IDE has a free version available at RStudio - Posit.